Monday, March 21, 2011

Pain Above Bellybutton Post Section

The financial sector needs its arbitrator

If we talk about referees, the first thing that comes to mind is the game of football that we saw yesterday, or more generally a sporting event.

It sounds incredible, but today the term referee is also used in the financial sector with the birth of a new service to the community known as just "Referee Financial.

Despite the singular name we are not referring to a single person bench to an independent body, also called extra-judicial system, which serves to resolve disputes between customers and banks and other financial intermediaries, so much easier than to a normal court, ruling in a short time who is right and who was wrong.

If after consulting the referee, the customer is not satisfied with the outcome, may in any case apply to a judicial process.

course to resort to this type of organization is not necessary to have already approached the court.

The referee Finance may intervene in disputes concerning financial transactions and banking services such as loans, mortgage, etc.. up to an amount of € 100,000.

The operation of this type of organization is made possible by the tools made available by the Bank of Italy, and to bring an action just fill out a form available either through the doors of the latter, or through intermediaries, or via the official website, is required a deposit of 20 € as a contribution towards expenses, which will be refunded if the appeal were successful.

Source: E2% 80% 99arbitro-transfer-finanziario.html


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