Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Pinnacle Na Win 7 64bit

Persepolis Juno

Persepolis, tells the story of Marjane, a young girl special, intelligent, grown from a young age with the education of both parents very modern and the love of his beloved grandmother. In the background is shaped by the establishment of Islamic politics the period of the "Pasdaran" where all citizens are controlled in every aspect especially in the customs and traditions. Marjane girl out of the box, he decides not to bend the rules that do not understand this and because of his rebellious behavior, concern for parents will be forced to leave for Europe where it will be upheld so different from what was expected . Marjane Satrapi's film based on his historical and autobiographical comic book, film becomes animation denouncing oppressive dictatorship especially towards women, the very dictatorship that will awaken the rebellious spirit and rivoluzinario Marjane. Animated films strictly in black and white this but with some touches of color has a very serious issue despite the many scenes of comedy too seriously. Italian Sergio Castellitto as voice actors are in the role of the father and Paola Cortellesi who lends his voice to Marjane giving this character an edge.

In life you will know a lot of assholes. if you think that hurt is the stupidity that leads them to hurt you. You will avoid paying them back with the same money because there is worse to the world of hatred and revenge


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